VIDEO. Day 3
Here's the video of the third and final day of Latvian Open Sailing Championship: ...
Here's the video of the third and final day of Latvian Open Sailing Championship: ...
Pēdējo gadu lielākais burāšanas pasākums Klubā 360 - Latvijas atklātais burāšanas čempionāts - ir noslēdzies....
One of the largest sailing events in Sailing Club 360 - Latvian Open Sailing Championship...
Day 2 of Latvian Open Sailing Championship. Good vibes, great atmosphere, lots of racing, very...
Video from the day 1 is available. Choose HD quality Ir tapis arī augstas kvalitātes video no...
First day of Latvian Open Championship is over. The forecast was not very promising, but...
Notice_No_1 LATVIAN OPEN SAILING CHAMPIONSHIP 2017 in Optimist, Laser 4.7, Laser Radial, Laser Standard, 29er and...
Here are SAILING INSTRUCTIONS for LATVIAN OPEN SAILING CHAMPIONSHIP 2017 in Optimist, Laser 4.7, Laser Radial, Laser...